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- 1.How can having a website benefit my business?
An effective website should help you make money, save you money, or better still, do both of these.
Make money
Depending on your business, you may make money either directly, or indirectly from your website.
If you have suitable products or services to sell then your potential customer may be able to conveniently order or book and pay online anytime of the day or night and from areas or countries outside your normal geographical region. In other cases, such as industrial machinery, your potential customer could conveniently obtain much required information, illustrations, specifications, etc, in advance and already be in a buying frame of mind when he or she contacts your sales department/representative.
For a knowledge or people-based business or organisation a website is an excellent way of presenting examples of projects undertaken, case studies, articles, and other credentials that will demonstrate your technical or professional competence.
A website contact page makes it easy for potential customers to contact you at a time that suits themselves, whilst your business/organisation is fresh in their mind, rather than having to remember to telephone you on your next working day.
Save money
For many businesses a website can save them money whilst also improving customer relations.
Potential customers can visit the website and immediately obtain all, or most of the information they need in order to place an order. This can mean huge savings in the staff time required to answer queries (often exactly the same queries over and over again) or in the cost of printing and mailing of catalogues and other literature. This is especially true for those prospects who contact your business only to find that you don’t offer the product or service that they are looking for, thus accidentally wasting their own time as well as yours.
If you have a product or service that needs technical support then this can often be effectively provided with a website ‘Help’ section. This means the customer can often get the help they need, even when your business is closed. Another cost-saving example is the replacement of lost instruction manuals which can be made available for convenient download straight from the website at any time.
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3244 Times - 2.Why would I pay for a site, when I can get free software that does it for me?
The development of an effective website requires many skills apart from the ability to write HTML code and transfer files to a web server. A website is an important part of any business, on view for 24 hours a day, seven days a week 365 days of the year. It could also be the first contact a potential customer has with your business, and the first impression gained may well be a factor when deciding whether or not to do business with you. Most businesses/organisations call in expert help for the creation of their advertising and promotional materials and it makes sense to adopt the same policy for website development as well.
Also, once the time and effort required to learn how to produce effective and good looking results are taken into account, it can actually prove to be much more cost effective to call in professional help from the outset.
Another benefit of using a professional to develop your website is the cross-fertilization of ideas that occurs from project to project. For instance, an idea that worked well on one website may well be adapted to another completely different type of business.
Finally, most authoring software currently on the market does not generate HTML code that properly complies with latest Web standards.
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2762 Times - 3.What are Web Standards?
These are standards developed by the World Wide Web Consortium to lead the Web to its full potential. In particular, web standards will help to ensure that all future browsers will work consistently.
This will have the benefit of making it possible to escape from dependence on any company, or proprietary technology, as well as avoiding the time-wasting necessity of trying to create pages that look good on browsers that were deliberately designed to be incompatible.
Additional benefits of strict compliance with latest standards are simplified website maintenance, smaller files that download quicker, improved accessibility for people with disabilities and increased usability on devices other than current desktop computers.
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2953 Times - 4.How much does a professionally designed website cost?
All of our standard CMS, Mobile/Tablet friendly web site packages are ‘Fixed Price’ regardless of the type of business you operate. However, if you have specific non-standard needs; we will be happy to discuss your options, and provide you with a tailored ‘Fixed Price’ quote, once we understand your requirements.
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3074 Times - 5.My business is small, could a website be of any benefit?
Yes. In many ways, the smaller the business, the more cost effective and useful a website can become. This is because smaller businesses are nearly always at a severe disadvantage when it comes to the budget available for advertising and promotional materials. However, an effective website really can help level the field. For instance...
Small, low cost media advertisements can refer to the website. Visitors then go to the site to find much more information than could ever be contained in an advertisement. For example, the site can have colour illustrations, case studies, customer testimonials, news on recent projects, etc.
High quality brochures, catalogues and other printed materials are expensive to produce and then costly and time consuming to send out. These costs can be eliminated or reduced when your business has an effective website.
Potential customers or clients can obtain extra information at any time, day, night or weekend, when you, or your staff might not be available to handle enquires.
Potential customers or clients can make first contact via e-mail, again at any time.
A very small business’s ‘professionally designed website’ can look just as good as that of a large organisation.
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2897 Times - 6.How many pages does a website need?
There are no hard and fast rules. The question can only be answered after having first established the objective of the web site. We have worked on sites ranging in size from just one page to many ten’s of pages.
However, one of the special advantages of a website is that it can start very small, and then gradually build up over time as dictated by need and experience.
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2990 Times - 7.How often should a website be updated?
As with the question above, there are no hard and fast rules as the answer has to be tied in with the objective of the site. If it is understood from the outset that a business requires a website that will be updated rarely, if at all, then this will be allowed for in the design. (There is nothing worse than having a website referring to 'breaking news' that actually broke some 6-12months ago.) Having said this, there is a now also a tendency for search engine indexes to lose interest in sites that appear to be neglected. It is therefore worthwhile refreshing a site from time to time even if there is no actual news to post.
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2894 Times - 8.I already have a website, but its not performing. What can I do?
Here are a few quick possibilities to consider...
Can visitors actually find your site via search engines?
Is your site being adequately promoted by means other than search engines?
Is your site slow to download, or is it too difficult to navigate?
Is there any call to action, or any other way in which a site visitor response is elicited?
Quite small, but appropriate, adjustments can have a profound effect on the performance of a web site.
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3003 Times - 9.How should I promote my website?
Search engines are a very useful way of promoting a website, and full advantage should be taken of them. However, be sure to promote your website in as many other ways as possible. Here are some other simple suggestions that may help...
Include the website address as part of your 'signature' on all out-going e-mail.
Make sure the website address forms part of the address on all printed materials, letterheads, business cards, labels, catalogues, media advertisements, etc
Don't forget conventional media such as advertising and public relations, wherever appropriate.
If you are already using, for example, press advertising, ensure your website address is included on all advertisements. Smaller, cheaper advertisements, but maybe more frequently, or in more media, can be highly effective when combined with a good website.
Do not depend exclusively on search engines to bring traffic to your site.
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2995 Times
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- 1.How can having a website benefit my business?More
An effective website should help you make money, save you money, or better still, do both of these.
Make money
Depending on your business, you may make money either directly, or indirectly from your website.
If you have suitable products or services to sell then your potential customer may be able to conveniently order or book and pay online anytime of the day or night and from areas or countries outside your normal geographical region. In other cases, such as industrial machinery, your potential customer could conveniently obtain much required information, illustrations, specifications, etc, in advance and already be in a buying frame of mind when he or she contacts your sales department/representative.
For a knowledge or people-based business or organisation a website is an excellent way of presenting examples of projects undertaken, case studies, articles, and other credentials that will demonstrate your technical or professional competence.
A website contact page makes it easy for potential customers to contact you at a time that suits themselves, whilst your business/organisation is fresh in their mind, rather than having to remember to telephone you on your next working day.
Save money
For many businesses a website can save them money whilst also improving customer relations.
Potential customers can visit the website and immediately obtain all, or most of the information they need in order to place an order. This can mean huge savings in the staff time required to answer queries (often exactly the same queries over and over again) or in the cost of printing and mailing of catalogues and other literature. This is especially true for those prospects who contact your business only to find that you don’t offer the product or service that they are looking for, thus accidentally wasting their own time as well as yours.
If you have a product or service that needs technical support then this can often be effectively provided with a website ‘Help’ section. This means the customer can often get the help they need, even when your business is closed. Another cost-saving example is the replacement of lost instruction manuals which can be made available for convenient download straight from the website at any time.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes (0) / No (0)Viewed 3244 Times - 2.Why would I pay for a site, when I can get free software that does it for me?More
The development of an effective website requires many skills apart from the ability to write HTML code and transfer files to a web server. A website is an important part of any business, on view for 24 hours a day, seven days a week 365 days of the year. It could also be the first contact a potential customer has with your business, and the first impression gained may well be a factor when deciding whether or not to do business with you. Most businesses/organisations call in expert help for the creation of their advertising and promotional materials and it makes sense to adopt the same policy for website development as well.
Also, once the time and effort required to learn how to produce effective and good looking results are taken into account, it can actually prove to be much more cost effective to call in professional help from the outset.
Another benefit of using a professional to develop your website is the cross-fertilization of ideas that occurs from project to project. For instance, an idea that worked well on one website may well be adapted to another completely different type of business.
Finally, most authoring software currently on the market does not generate HTML code that properly complies with latest Web standards.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes (0) / No (0)Viewed 2762 Times - 3.What are Web Standards?More
These are standards developed by the World Wide Web Consortium to lead the Web to its full potential. In particular, web standards will help to ensure that all future browsers will work consistently.
This will have the benefit of making it possible to escape from dependence on any company, or proprietary technology, as well as avoiding the time-wasting necessity of trying to create pages that look good on browsers that were deliberately designed to be incompatible.
Additional benefits of strict compliance with latest standards are simplified website maintenance, smaller files that download quicker, improved accessibility for people with disabilities and increased usability on devices other than current desktop computers.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes (0) / No (0)Viewed 2953 Times - 4.How much does a professionally designed website cost?More
All of our standard CMS, Mobile/Tablet friendly web site packages are ‘Fixed Price’ regardless of the type of business you operate. However, if you have specific non-standard needs; we will be happy to discuss your options, and provide you with a tailored ‘Fixed Price’ quote, once we understand your requirements.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes (0) / No (0)Viewed 3074 Times - 5.My business is small, could a website be of any benefit?More
Yes. In many ways, the smaller the business, the more cost effective and useful a website can become. This is because smaller businesses are nearly always at a severe disadvantage when it comes to the budget available for advertising and promotional materials. However, an effective website really can help level the field. For instance...
Small, low cost media advertisements can refer to the website. Visitors then go to the site to find much more information than could ever be contained in an advertisement. For example, the site can have colour illustrations, case studies, customer testimonials, news on recent projects, etc.
High quality brochures, catalogues and other printed materials are expensive to produce and then costly and time consuming to send out. These costs can be eliminated or reduced when your business has an effective website.
Potential customers or clients can obtain extra information at any time, day, night or weekend, when you, or your staff might not be available to handle enquires.
Potential customers or clients can make first contact via e-mail, again at any time.
A very small business’s ‘professionally designed website’ can look just as good as that of a large organisation.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes (0) / No (0)Viewed 2897 Times - 6.How many pages does a website need?More
There are no hard and fast rules. The question can only be answered after having first established the objective of the web site. We have worked on sites ranging in size from just one page to many ten’s of pages.
However, one of the special advantages of a website is that it can start very small, and then gradually build up over time as dictated by need and experience.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes (0) / No (0)Viewed 2990 Times - 7.How often should a website be updated?More
As with the question above, there are no hard and fast rules as the answer has to be tied in with the objective of the site. If it is understood from the outset that a business requires a website that will be updated rarely, if at all, then this will be allowed for in the design. (There is nothing worse than having a website referring to 'breaking news' that actually broke some 6-12months ago.) Having said this, there is a now also a tendency for search engine indexes to lose interest in sites that appear to be neglected. It is therefore worthwhile refreshing a site from time to time even if there is no actual news to post.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes (0) / No (0)Viewed 2894 Times - 8.I already have a website, but its not performing. What can I do?More
Here are a few quick possibilities to consider...
Can visitors actually find your site via search engines?
Is your site being adequately promoted by means other than search engines?
Is your site slow to download, or is it too difficult to navigate?
Is there any call to action, or any other way in which a site visitor response is elicited?
Quite small, but appropriate, adjustments can have a profound effect on the performance of a web site.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes (0) / No (0)Viewed 3003 Times - 9.How should I promote my website?More
Search engines are a very useful way of promoting a website, and full advantage should be taken of them. However, be sure to promote your website in as many other ways as possible. Here are some other simple suggestions that may help...
Include the website address as part of your 'signature' on all out-going e-mail.
Make sure the website address forms part of the address on all printed materials, letterheads, business cards, labels, catalogues, media advertisements, etc
Don't forget conventional media such as advertising and public relations, wherever appropriate.
If you are already using, for example, press advertising, ensure your website address is included on all advertisements. Smaller, cheaper advertisements, but maybe more frequently, or in more media, can be highly effective when combined with a good website.
Do not depend exclusively on search engines to bring traffic to your site.
Was this answer helpful ? Yes (0) / No (0)Viewed 2995 Times